Looking for a global partner with local experience?

Better business results

Your people are the most important investment you will make. Having recruited the best talent, you will need to support them with the opportunity to grow and develop. This ensures they will adapt, be their most productive and contribute to the success of your organization. Working with organizations globally, we design and deliver customized development programs which enable your leaders and teams to work with others more successfully, to think more strategically and develop outstanding leadership skills ensuring they can lead high-performing, self-managed teams. With expert facilitators and coaches located in the region, we provide all the benefits of local expertise with the agility and scale to service leading organizations globally.

World class

30+ years working with thousands of leaders and organizations across many diverse sectors using world class tools and proven approaches.


Design and delivery of customized programs to help your leaders and teams achieve long-term growth, exceeding your organization's goals.


Providing expertise and new perspectives, which leads to transformational change, delivering a measurable return on investment

What you can expect

When designing programs we always start with the end in mind. We consult and analyse at the beginning to understand the real needs, for example conducting a Development Needs Analysis, then we measure at the end. This allows you to see the impact of your investment.

Increasing productivity & performance

Helping individuals develop the skills and mindset that means they can be more effective and build better working relationships. Giving leaders and teams the tools to self-manage, collaborate, and be more productive which results in happy, healthy, highly motivated employees - ensuring you retain and grow the best talent for the future.

Achieving goals with better results

Working to align and engage your people and creating a culture where people can thrive will lead to greater long-term success. In times of change and uncertainty, your leaders and teams will have the confidence amd agility to navigate disruption and achieve your organization's goals.

Building future leaders

We will help you get your leaders to the next level, building systems-thinking and the interpersonal skills to lead their teams to succeed in a competitive marketplace.

Bringing learning & development to life

The need to develop emotional intelligence underpins our design and delivery work. By increasing self-awareness and subsequently emotional intelligence, learners and leaders are empowered to continue their own development, ensuring they are change-ready and take ownership of their own improving performance.

When working with clients, we apply a streamlined methodology which starts with the end in mind, so that we design a programme that achieves real business impact.


Developing innovation-thinking, working cross-culturally

One of the greatest challenges for global organizations is to maintain the agility and innovation-thinking needed to continue to pioneer, develop and grow in response to shifting customer needs. We work with organizations to help develop the leadership and skills within teams to be able to harness the talent in diverse regions, to build collaboration and accelerate performance in teams whether in a matrix, multi-generational, cross-cultural or hybrid working environment. By helping leaders and teams connect and work effectively with colleagues in different regions, they will be able to deliver excellent team results.

Unlocking performance of teams requires a multi-dimensional approach. It requires team members to develop the skills to engage and interact successfully, to work as a cohesive unit in service of the purpose and goals of the team and for team leaders to be able to create the conditions of trust, mutual respect and appreciation for each other's strengths and contribution. The most successful teams have agreed and committed to the purpose, understand the process and have a clear understanding of behaviors and expectations. Disfunction can occur when any of these elements are missing or imbalanced or when members are not provided with the skills to be able to interact and engage to harness different personalities and diverse approaches.
Matrix teams are created for various reasons - to harness multi-discipline expertise, in R & D, product development, on a project base or to create focus on short or long term challenges. In today's business landscape we have experienced the increasing complexity of matrix teams having to operate in hybrid or remote work environments. Successful matrix working requires that leaders possess the knowledge, skills and behavior to take into account structural, process and cultural considerations while demonstrating the behaviors and mindset to be able to harness talent and opportunity to ensure the best output and most positive business impact.
Operating as global teams presents a huge opportunity for organizations to capture talent, thinking and diverse perspectives. However many cross-cultural teams struggle to align because of cultural differences and conflicting perspectives and communication styles. To undertake global cross-cultural working it is critical to consider the process of levelling up first, with a view to information, perspectives, strengths, contribution, skills, knowledge, motivation and expectations. If this alignment is achieved the results will exceed expectations. Our cross-cultural awareness and cross-cultural teamworking programs include a number of internationally recognized tools, proven approaches and cultural and emotional intelligence diagnostics which promote greater understanding and alignment. Our global team of facilitators and coaches are accredited in a wide range of methodologies including the Leadership Circle, EQi 2.0, Culture Wizard, CQi, GlobeSmart, DiSC, Thomas Kilman and many more. These can be supplemented with cultural development or skills development tools e.g. Barrett Values Values Assessments depending on the specific context and organizational goals. Working with internationally-recognized clients we provide a boutique approach with the scale and range to be able to provide a flexible and agile response to your cross-cultural developmental needs with local expertise.
Leaders must not only navigate the challenges of managing complex team structures but also a multi-generational team and workforce. They must adapt to respond to the diverse demands of the approaching 'knowledge cliff' which forces the need for success planning, whilst ensuring they are attracting and retaining the best talent from generation X and Y to the evolving millenials and generation Z. Managing, motivating and leading multi-generational teams requires mastery of communication and outstanding people skills - some refer to them as 'soft skills' but as we deal with ever increasing change and complexity they have become 'business-critical skills'. With increased self-awareness and greater emotional intelligence leaders can understand, empathize and nurture despite the most complex team structures.
In a world where change is constant, customers and markets are evolving. The greatest challenge is for organizations to stay apace, and in many cases, ahead of these changes. Developing lateral and creative thinking skills is just one practical step that can be taken to unlock the required innovation thinking in your teams and leaders. To drive businesses forward leaders must also create the conditions where entrepreneurial thinking can thrive regardless of size or structure of organization. This takes process, culture, knowledge, skills and behaviors; all of which can be developed. The opportunity to foster collaborative working in organizations is critical to enable and empower teams to capture diverse thinking and perspectives. Because the sum of the whole is ALWAYS greater than its parts. We work with individuals to develop the thinking skills and knowledge, teams to be able to create the framework and processes for innovation thinking and organizations and leaders to be able to create the cultures and conditions needed for innovation and creativity to thrive.

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Working in Partnership

We work where and when you need us. From helping you develop a people strategy which will enable you to achieve your business goals, to analysing what you need and designing and delivering the solutions to improve results. We work alongside you, locally and globally.

Leadership Circle

The Leadership Circle Profile™ is one of the world class diagnostic tools we employ in leading international organizations to develop leadership effectiveness. Our certified practitioners will provide highly focused executive coaching. We then design a skill development program to satisfy the individual and team's specific development needs. Watch the Leadership Circle™ video to find out more about how we use it as part of a transformational development journey.

Global delivery

Our delivery team consists of over 120 associates located in more than 40 countries meaning we can provide the right fit in terms of language, culture and sector experience. Local expertise, global delivery.

Working with world-class businesses internationally | Bupa
Kia Leadership Programme in the UK, Europe & enters its 9th year
Rolls-Royce – Understanding the working cultures and opportunities for merging organisations from the UK and Spain
Google gTech – Senior Leadership Immersion Programme to Experience the Customer Service and Leadership of other Organisations

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